Exile #2 writes...
Exile #3 and
Exile #4 have little more than a week between their birthdays, we quite often end up assigning them each one of two consecutive weekends for their celebrations. Although
Exile #4’s birthday is not officially until tomorrow, this weekend was her celebration.
Friday into Saturday, she had five friends round for a sleepover. Happily, we have a finished basement in this house, so they took it over for a mammoth evening of playing games. They started at around 5:30 pm but I can confirm they were still going strong at 1:30 am. There were some bleary eyes the next morning, but they rallied after a bit of breakfast. We said goodbye to the last one soon after lunch, at which point, unsurprisingly,
Exile #4 disappeared for a nap.
I expect it will be a case of rinse and repeat for
Exile #3, but before that can happen, she has 4 days of exams, a dress rehearsal, and a couple of dance shows to get through. She will however be able to sleep in come Monday, unlike her siblings, who will still have a week of school to go. I guess that sums up the pros and cons of high school.