Sunday, September 4, 2022

Day 15.237: Bedrock Gardens

Exile #2 had been keen to visit Bedrock Gardens, just the other side of the state line in Lee, New Hampshire, for some time, but finding an opportunity with availability and decent weather on one of the four or so days a month that they are open took until this weekend to come together.

It's hard to summarize our experience there. The garden is both very technical and continuously playful. I suppose the best thing would be to say that there is always something interesting to see - often more than you are likely to take in unless you go very slowly.

There were things we expected to see - nature, trees, beds with plants:

(OK - maybe we didn't specifically expect the guinea fowl.)

There were some more surprising items - the stream called Wiggle Waggle, an apparent demonstration of a ha-ha (the Exiles need not have their view spoiled by a cow) and a seating area with lions and wool that E5N1 decided was a tribute the saying about the month of March - in like a lion out like a lamb:

Then there were the various artworks - these are just a few of the ones we saw:

And then there were the really odd things - a face looming from the water under the bridge, a dog that looked 3D and then was not as 3D as we expected, a giant ring apparently levitating and a skeleton hanging from a tree.

It was wonderfully quirky and a thoroughly enjoyable visit.

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