Exile #2 writes...
Well, that week (or so) went by in a flash. It seems only yesterday that the female Exiles cheered gratefully as we crossed the bridge into Maine and sighed with total relief as I pulled up outside
Exile #1's temporary accommodation.
One very genial closing and a day of deliveries later, we were installed in our new house. Since then, it has been a week of putting things in their right place: pots and pans, plates and glasses, children...
It has also been a week of working out the quirks of our new existence. How does the communal mailbox system work? What does that yellow patch on the road signify? Why is our Internet connection more elusive than a will o' the wisp?
My most significant culture shock of the week, however, was trying to register with a doctor. Having experienced the UK system (you go to the nearest practice) and the system in our previous community where there were so many doctors you might find yourself being recruited, I was a little taken aback that the large practice in our town could not accommodate us, nor the one in the next town. Eventually I found one within reasonable driving distance willing to take us and was invited to book up annual physicals...for October. Am considering a new venture into family medicine... ;-)
With all this excitement behind us and a metropolis of empty boxes in the garage, we decided to treat ourselves to a day out yesterday. It is a moment of wonder when we step out of the car at the beach and realize that this is home now. Can't wait to explore more!
Happy Easter everyone!