Sunday, November 24, 2019

Day 12.318: Exile #2's Sunday Column #275

Exile #2 writes...

E5N1 arrived back home first thing.this morning after a birthday sleep over at a friends’s house. He looked relatively well-rested but he has spent the day fighting off the urge to nap (and not always succeeding). We then headed off to church with plenty of sandwich supplies for a meeting afterwards.

We have learned a few things about sandwiches after this many years in the US. Number one: a large number of Americans think buttering bread for sandwiches is weird. Obviously, mayonnaise is the only way to go. Number two: all sandwiches require cheese. Number three: dill pickles are an essential accompaniment. So, with mayo, cheese and an industrial-sized jar of pickles (plus some marg for us odd Brits) it was sandwiches all round. Then home again through cold, torrential rain.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta chime in here. As Exile #1 can attest, I bring sandwiches (or sammiches, as they say in Pittsburgh) to work almost every day, and I put lots of butter on my roast beef sandwiches. Otherwise, mustard, not mayo (even tho I used to work at a place we *called* mayo), except nothing on PB&J. Second, I really only put cheese (Swiss) on ham sandwiches. Or burgers, which are the only place I put pickles (though plenty of them, apparently to make up for everything else). HTH!


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