Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day 13.320: Beach at dusk

I brought Exile #3 back from college yesterday evening, but she decided not to join us on a just-in-time walk on the beach in the fading light this afternoon.

The rest of us enjoyed a cool walk in the greyness.

It was a bit dark for wildlife photography. The only moment of excitement coming when I tried to catch these fast moving birds skimming over the water (I'm actually quite pleased with how it came out):

and as I was doing that a very large bird caught my eye. I couldn't tell what it was except that it was unusually large, so I took a few photos hoping that we might be able to work it out. Indeed we can, the photos aren't very good (not surprisingly) but it is - unmistakably - a bald eagle - not a common sight for us here by any means:


  1. How fantastic to see an eagle! Well done on the photos :)

    1. Luckily - the eagle was flying fairly slowly so I had a number of tries to get an identifiable picture!


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