Friday, April 8, 2022

Day 15.088: The show must go on

It’s E5N1’s birthday, but celebrations have been postponed until tomorrow since the run of the musical is in full flow.

We went to see it tonight and it was great - here is a shot from the curtain-call and one when he came to see us after the show and before heading out for a meal with the cast.


  1. IIRC the documentary Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles ends with the statement that Fiddler is so universal that it's performed somewhere in the world every day of the year. So E5N1 is doing his part to keep it going!

    1. I also was involved in a production of this show during my high-school years several decades ago and thousands of miles away!

  2. Whoa, that's cool! Did you by any chance have the same role as E5N1, or were you involved some other way, like in the band or chorus?

    1. I played French Horn in the orchestra

    2. Fiddler was my final year musical. The previous year I'd had a minor on-stage role in Annie Get Your Gun.

    3. If you will, imagine I had written orchestra, since at my high school it was just called the band. :-)

    4. Haha - of course. I was always confused that "orchestra" here - at least in middle schools - was a strings-only ensemble and that they needed a new term to define when strings and wind instruments got together! Our musicals had a full orchestra (of students) along with cast and crew. E5N1's show had a more modestly sized band of professional musicians - probably a wise investment!


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