Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Day 17.195: Scarborough Marsh

While Exile #3 and Exile #4 were at their gig on Saturday evening, the rest of us went for a golden-hour walk at Scarborough Marsh.

These are some of the birds we saw:

Great egret, great blue heron, great egret (in flight), snowy egrets

Red-winged blackbird (top left and bottom right), song sparrow, eastern kingbird

Possible long-billed dowitcher, barn swallow, common tern, least tern

The least tern (identified partly by size, but mostly by yellow bill) and this last bird were new ones for my list.

Lincoln's sparrow - this was the only shot I got before it flew-off in keeping with its reputation for being rarely seen.

Also seen: a willet (but not in the numbers we saw earlier in the season), a few killdeer and a huge flock of unidentified waders flying in the distance that disappeared completely when the turned one way and then stood out brightly against the background when the turned the other way. 

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