The big surprise is that Exile #4 was the patient - didn't see that coming!
She woke up feeling nauseous* and we soon found out she had a fever (101 °F or so) - not enough for any real concern, but enough to keep her home from school. When I got home from work she complained of a headache so we gave her some medication and took her temperature again 104.7 °F - really? check the other ear - 104.9 °F. So, we gave the doctor a call who asked a load of questions almost all were negative for supporting symptoms, but they still said we should go to the ER to get her checked out.
I stalled to eat a quick bite while she got dressed, hoping to find an excuse not to go, but her fever was still high, so we set out.
After three periods of waiting punctuated by triage and registration, we finally saw the doctor by which time her headache had gone and her fever was hovering around 100 °F and she really just wanted to go to bed. So yeah - not exactly like the TV series, but that's probably for the best.

* this is a message for anyone who thinks I used the incorrect word there
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