Sunday, August 4, 2019

Day 12.206: Exiile #2's Sunday Column #259

Exile #2 writes...

We left two exhausted girls home this morning and went to church, which was pretty lively, being led by church members from Burundi and the DRC. Exile #4 managed to shake a leg to go to the beach with some friends around lunchtime. This was, actually, supposed to be a birthday gathering for another friend, who ended up not being able to come - poor thing! This is fairly classic for Exile #4 and her friends but hopefully they’ll have a chance for a rematch before summer is out.

Meanwhile, Exile #1, E5N1, and I went for a very buggy and slightly rainy walk this afternoon. It was nice to get out, despite the bugs, and we saw plenty of birds, including this one:

We didn't know what it was at the time, but we have worked it out now
Now E5N1 has gone off to sleep over at one of our neighbors’ houses. Phew!

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