Friday, January 10, 2020

Day 12.365: Spelling Bee

Between them, Exile #3 and Exile #4 experienced much of what middle school had to offer, but neither of them did what E5N1 did today by taking part in the American institution that is the school Spelling Bee.

Exile #2 went to see what it was all about :

There were about 30 kids taking part from all three grades (E5N1 is in the middle of the three - 7th grade) and after several rounds of competition, he ended up coming in 3rd - beaten by two 8th grade boys. Quite an achievement!


  1. Many congratulations E5N1!

  2. Well done. That's really impressive.

    I remember loving and being intrigued by the film 'Spelling Bee' in the early noughties.



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