Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Day 13.180: Indian Cellar Preserve

Our walk yesterday was in nearby Hollis on the back of the Saco River at Indian Cellar Preserve.

This house stands near the trail head - for now at least - it looks about to be reclaimed by nature.

The trail we walked is mostly along the bank of the river - with lots of lovely views:

We saw some nice flowers:

and there were plenty of chipmunks:

but I was less successful with the birds as they were flitting around rather too actively in the now very verdant trees. I did eventually catch this downy woodpecker after a tip-off from Exile #4:

even when I did get half-decent photos we've struggled to identify them. This one is probably a phoebe:

this one might be too:

We also saw these very large bird boxes along the trail:

and spent the rest of the walk wondering what kind of bird they could be for, until we got back to the trail head where we discovered an explanation. They are wood duck boxes, or maybe wood wood duck boxes, or at least wood boxes for wood ducks

We didn't see any wood ducks.

1 comment:

  1. As you wood/would expect, I enjoyed all the post and particularly the end!


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