Saturday, February 17, 2024

Day 17.038: East Point birds

Exile #2 and I had a walk at East Point Sanctuary in Biddeford this morning. As we arrived there was a large crowd looking out to see from near the sanctuary entrance. It turned out this was not - as we first imagined - because some unusual bird had drawn a crowd, but a group learning from one experienced birder. He pointed out the bird on the top of the post. This was the view even with 450 mm of lens:

but some digital zoom confirms what he told us - that this was a great cormorant:

We left the group and went on our way after that and saw plenty more birds.

An eider, likely a common eider transitioning to breeding plumage

Horned grebe

White-winged scoter

Common loon - there were several and at least one was giving its eerie call

Surf scoter

Common eider

American black duck

Merganser (likely common)

Long-tailed duck

Long-tailed duck

Common goldeneye


  1. Of that fine collection of birds I too might have seen a Goldeneye at Lackford Lakes - but didn’t!

    1. You did very well despite this omission! The cormorant and the grebe were both new additions to my list. I assume it will grow some more when we're next in the UK since I don't even have common birds from there listed currently!


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