Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Day 18.012: Floridian Ardeidae

Not all the birds I saw a lot in Florida were "exotic" to me. For example, the herons and egrets I saw there were the same ones I've seen more or less regularly in the northeast.

Green heron

Great egret - this one surprised me by flying out from under my feet as I walked on a boardwalk

Great blue heron - this one looked pretty rough - but was standing hopefully near a fisherman

Another great egret perched - slightly surprisingly - in a tree

Great and snowy egrets

At some point I realized that I was basically tripping over these egrets as they hoped for an easy dinner from the fishing boats - the same birds I'm delighted to see with a long lens in the distance at Scarborough Marsh or elsewhere nearer to home.

The great egrets were getting quite feisty with each other at times - and making beautiful shapes in the process:


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