Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Day 18.047: Nonesuch birds

Although things were quiet on the beach at Pine Point (in terms of birds), our visit as a whole was not. The mouth of the Nonesuch River (which flows through Scarborough Marsh was very busy and we observed lots of birds there from Town Landing and from the breakwater at the very end of Pine Point Beach. 
Common eiders and one stray long-tailed duck

American herring gull

Long-tailed duck

Black scoter

American black duck

Common loon

Common loon

Red-breasted merganser (female)

Red-breasted merganser (male)

Greater scaup (likely; could be lesser)

Bufflehead (adult male)

Bufflehead in flight

Bufflehead in flight (adult male)

This large bird being mobbed by several gulls caught our eye as it approached

Happily we were able to get a good view of it a few moments later - a young bald eagle

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