Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day 13.002: Exile #2's Sunday Column #281

Exile #2 writes...

It was a bit of a surprise when, early in the week, E5N1 announced he was entered in the school spelling bee. He muttered something vague about a list of words but then it was Exile #1’s birthday and it wasn’t until Thursday night that the list came out for a cram session. The list started fairly mildly but by section three there was the odd word I wouldn’t have known how to say, let alone spell.

It’s hard to imagine how something as mundane as spelling could be made into an exciting contest but somehow it is. You find yourself rooting for each student as they take their turn and then breathing a sigh of relief if they spell their word correctly. You feel the disappointment and/or relief of those that don’t and the agony of those that begin to spell their word then realize they have gone wrong. Although they can restart, they cannot change the order of any letters they have already said. Each student received enthusiastic applause as they retired from the competition, and before I knew it, E5N1 had placed a very respectable third place behind two enormous 8th graders.

Apart from the anonymity edit - this is an absolutely genuine photo of the top three - standing on a level floor!
Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion but at the end of it all, the panel of judges looked emotionally exhausted!

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