Friday, August 18, 2023

Day 16.220: Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Here are the non-swallow sightings from our quick visit to Parker River on Wednesday afternoon. Our amazing swallow encounter is here. It's safe to say that this visit was quite a contrast with our previous early-Spring visit

Great egrets where we stopped and ended up seeing the swallows

When I took this I had no idea what this mix of black and white birds were - cormorants and herring gulls would not have been high up my list

Eastern kingbird (L) and sandpipers (probably semi-palmated) R

Towards the end of the swallows video, you might spot this peregrine falcon looking like it might be its lucky day before flying off

This may be the same - probably immature - bird, as we saw it later out over the marsh

Lesser yellowlegs (at least mostly)

We believe all these are long-billed dowitchers. The aerial shots are of a large group that did a circuit over our heads. Merlin app does not suggest short-billed presumably due to date and location.

Here we are by the marsh on the dike

Another view of the marsh (from the observation platform)

We walked the Hellcat Trail (mostly boardwalks) and its short spurs

I'm pleased with this cedar waxwing from near the end of the boardwalk circuit

Not bad for a visit that lasted less than 90 minutes in total (including the swallows.)


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