Thursday, June 6, 2024

Day 17.148: Thursday birding

Another early start at the cemetery with our new birding group.

Yellow warbler

Baltimore oriole

Common yellowthroat

Baltimore oriole collecting food for young

We saw this hole and thought there might be a bird nest inside, then this guy popped out

A little difficult to see, but this is the female Baltimore oriole at the nest feeding young (the nest is a hanging pouch just to the left but well hidden in the leaves

Patriotic(?) eastern phoebe

A pair of red -eyed vireos working on a nest 

Delicate work in progress

You can see the start of the nest more clearly here

White-tailed deer on the verge of the marsh

Two adult bald eagles and a juvenile (there was another juvenile in a nearby branch. We're not sure what this partially-open wings position was signifying

We also heard an American redstart nearby and a Virginia rail out on the marsh.

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