Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day 17.154: Tree flowers and an oriole nest

Our Thursday bird walk at Laurel Hill Cemetery started with trees - a walk to see if the black locust trees were in bloom - they were:

and on the way, a tulip tree also in bloom

We saw various birds during that time - many of the usual suspects, but also a ruby-throated hummingbird and a hawk (Cooper's or sharp-shinned) that chased a smaller bird around a couple of nearby trees but without success as far as we saw.

Then we went in search of the oriole nest we had seen last week and - sure enough there was the nest, with young (at least two as you can see) and the parents coming and going with food.

Male Baltimore oriole perched...

...and taking flight

Two young Baltimore orioles poking their heads out of the nest to look for a returning parent

Adult male Baltimore oriole feeding young at the nest

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