Thursday, June 27, 2024

Day 17.168: Initial birding

No birding outings yet - but here are some initial photos of the common birds we've seen near the house or at the feeders.

Common swift

Red kite

Red kite (couldn't choose one to post)

(Eurasian) jackdaw (not sure why my best photo is with my phone)

The male pigeons were showing off today

And a (Eurasian) collared dove was getting in on the action (or hopes of action) too

He kept trying - without apparent success

A European robin came to see what we were doing

A quick snap at an interesting fly-by proved to be a common kestrel with something (perhaps) tasty to eat

A young common starling...

...brought the drama


Also seen but not photographed: carrion crows, magpies, common blackbirds (probably nesting in near the feeders) and western (a.k.a. common) house martins. Thanks to my only-recent keeping of such a list, many of these (except those that have made it to the US, or ones I saw in South Korea) are new to my life-list.

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