We spent several happy hours on tube-rides and mat-rides and water slides and in a large wave pool (none of which was easy to photograph as I was wet), and the kids all enjoyed this bouncy climb-and-slide thing (no adults allowed).
But the real story is how Exile #2 came to recognise Exile #3's screams from across the park and realise she'd been on Stealth - the only really scary ride at the park.
As we left the bouncy-mushroom-thing to head for the slides, we had to pass the ride. I, of course, suggested we go on it, but the girls were having none of it, so we continued to the other rides. A little later, I mentioned it again and they came to watch me (predicting I would chicken-out - I did not). I noticed the height restriction "You must be 48 inches tall to fly 'Stealth'!" The warnings are fairly intimidating - tuck your chin to your chest, don't let go, don't attempt to get out of the tube, etc. At the top, you sit in your ring while held in place by a safety-strapped operator who then lets you go. You travel maybe six feet down a shallow incline and then a weightless plummet down the nearly vertical wall and then up the other side, continuing until you lose enough speed to be carried along the trough and into the pool at the side.
"So girls - want to try?"
"No way!"
Much later, we came by a double tube (these are rented out for a small fee) and had fun on the normal tube ride. Expecting another, "No way!" I asked Exile #3 if we should take it on Stealth and to my amazement she said, "OK". And so we did. She screamed so loudly she had a sore throat later.
Then Exile #4 came on it with me too. More screaming - but nothing like her sister's. Later they both rode it alone in single tubes as well. Exile #3 observed that she was shaking from the adrenaline after her third and final ride.

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