Yeah, well, this morning, this happened:
Yes, a run, ho hum, whatever, wait... does it really say 2:15 am?
Yes it does. This is how it happened.
I woke up around 1:30. It doesn't matter why. My alarm was set for 4:30 (actually a bit later than usual because I was only planning a six mile run). By 2 am I was clearly not asleep, so I decided to cut my losses, go for my run, go back to bed and set my alarm for 6:30 so I could get up and get ready for work.
It worked fine, but running at 2 am is quite different from running at 5 am. At 5 am it's quiet, but at 2 am it's really quiet. At 5 am a few other strange people are out running, walking their dogs or heading for work. At 2 am, not so much. In my six miles around the town streets I was passed by a total of five cars - honestly after the first couple of miles that was five more than I was expecting.
So there you go - pre-dawn running with a vengeance. And I still got the same amount of sleep I would have got if I'd slept through to 4:30.
Yes I'm aware how weird that sounds.

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