Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Day 11.238: Pandemic Legacy

As well as hiking and otherwise enjoying the White Mountains, we took a few board games with us on our New Hampshire vacation. In particular, this one:

- one of Exile #4's birthday presents.

"Panda Medic" as we call it has been a fairly regular game in our rotation for a while and we had heard lots of good things about the Legacy version - one in which the way the game ends one time affects the next time you play. In fact, this particular game is played over twelve months - with each month being played once or twice depending on the outcome.

Exile #4 was very reluctant to unwrap it. I think the finality of playing it and having to irrevocably change things caused her some distress - you can't have your game and play it - as the saying goes (kinda). Anyway, eventually she overcame the fear of the unknown and we have thoroughly enjoyed the six games we have played so far with somewhere between nine and eighteen more to go.

The good news is that Season 2 is out now, so if we all feel bereft when we finally get to the end of the year, we have somewhere to go.


  1. Is there a word for not wanting to start something (reading the last chapter/watching the last episode/cutting into a perfect cake) because doing so will bring to an end the anticipation of doing it? There should be... I bet there is in Japanese.

    1. I spent some time before breakfast doing some internet research on this topic but didn't come up with anything, so I propose prosdokiatelophobia.


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