Monday, January 7, 2019

Day 11.362: Grappling with graupel

It was quite mild yesterday (unlike today) and when we heard some precipitation, we suspected it was raining. Looking out, I said, "It could be sleet?!" meaning ice pellets (US sense of sleet) not wet snow (UK meaning of sleet).

"Really?" said Exile #2.

"I think so...oh yes it's bouncing," I replied as I walked to the window to get a better look, "Actually it looks like graupel." And it certainly did - here is some that fell in a gap in the snow on the deck - soft white balls of snow:

Note this precipitation is not to be confused with sleet or hail both of which are hard balls of ice (albeit formed in very different conditions!).


  1. Are you sure you're not just making these words up to confuse us Brits?!


    1. If only there was some way to search through a library of human knowledge to find out. In the absence of such science fiction, you may have to take my word for it :)


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