Thursday, November 26, 2020

Day 13.321: Thanksgiving

For many Americans today was about what could not happen - large family gatherings of people eating and talking together.  For us it was about what could happen - a Thanksgiving dinner together.

Last year we spent Thanksgiving on a plane to the UK on a slightly crazy but happy jaunt to celebrate my parents' 60th wedding anniversary and the previous year Exile #2 was in the UK for a less happy reason. So it has been a while since we were able to celebrate Thanksgiving all together.

Some Thanksgivings over the years have involved invitations to larger gatherings, but we have on several occasions spent it at home like this. Our turkey dinners are probably more than a little influenced by Christmas dinners from our pre-Exile days, but we did hit some classic Thanksgiving notes including dessert!

We also reflected on how much we have to be thankful for even in this surreal year.

We also managed a walk, some games and started watching a new series for our family TV viewing. It was a lovely day.


  1. Fab that you could all be together xx

  2. Pumpkin pie?! Always a good reason for giving thanks!

    1. Yes - lime, pumpkin and chocolate and we had whipped cream (but not from the squirty can!)


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