Monday, March 29, 2021

Day 14.078: We "went" to a gig

We spent the evening yesterday watching an exquisitely put together livestream concert by Madison Cunningham. I'm not sure when I first looked up her music - but it was having seen her contributions to the Porter's Gate Work Songs project. Her own music seemed to be a beguiling mix of expert guitar playing and effortless vocals and somehow reminiscent simultaneously of Joni Mitchell and Radiohead. I do know I bought her album in late summer of last year (albeit after time stopped having any real meaning) and listened to it almost on repeat for several months.

Last night she gave us some favorites and some new songs and we joined a little Q&A with a couple of performances of some older songs thrown in. It was great - if not quite a going to a gig experience.

Here's a taste of her work - a recent performance of a recent song.


  1. Very nice. She reminded me very much of a joint acquaintance (if the link works) -


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