Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 7.144: Di-eau-rama

Exile #3 had a project to hand in today. She made a diorama to illustrate the water cycle. It was quite involved and showed some of her artistic flair.

Many of her classmates had chosen more technical presentations - slideshows and movies created on their state-supplied Macbooks and in one case a game which she described as being "rather short - but the code to make it was long!" Welcome to my world.

Incidentally, the pun in the post-title would certainly raise a "You're not funny." but she cannot be as relied upon to snub my jokes these days. It's seems, however, that Exile #4 is taking up the slack. Maybe it's a ten and eleven year-old thing?

1 comment:

  1. "'... but the code to make it was long!' Welcome to my world."

    And mine! Would you believe 84K lines for 5 boxes?!? ;-)


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