Sunday, March 20, 2016

Day 9.070: Exile #2's Sunday Column #99

Exile #2 writes...

So, it's officially spring. With precision timing our neighbors have put up their decorative spring banner, and once again the younger Exiles have disappeared for long hours into the great outdoors but, this is New England, and you have to be prepared for anything to happen.

On Thursday, E5N1's swim lesson was canceled because of a thunderstorm. Tonight, we're bracing for a snow storm - not the 6-12 inches that was predicted at one point - but still a possible 3-6 inches. It's very confusing.

Meanwhile, the absence of the younger Exiles allowed for some tidying time, and this mysterious statement turned up amongst E5N1's many papers. I'm wondering if he's considering a last minute run for the presidency.

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