Exile #2 writes...
Exile #3 was feeling pretty tired and sore today after dance show, so we left her home while we went to church. Actually,
Exile #1 and I felt surprisingly tired too. I guess it takes quite a bit of emotional energy to get through a day of watching your offspring dance. We had only planned to go to the first show, but in the end stayed for the second one too - and we are so glad we did. Being shorties, we snuck up on to the bleachers second time, and got a much better view.
We had a multi-purpose celebration meal out afterwards. For, of course, Father's Day weekend has been somewhat swallowed up by yesterday's events, and by
Exile #4 having her friends over this afternoon for a late party. Still, as
Exile #1 is usually our household taxi/Dance Mom (except for the tricky braiding - somehow that falls to me!), what could have been more appropriate? Happy Father's Day
Exile #1 - you're the best dance Mom! ...and a great Dad too.