Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Day 11.013: Icing penalty

The temperature stayed quite a bit lower than predicted today - so instead of warm-ish rain, we had a good coating of ice. It really is very pretty when all the trees get coated in a glass-like sheath of ice:

The downside is what happens to the roads:


  1. First, a belated happy 11th exile anniversary! Now, your title begs the following explanation: "Denis, I know that some in our audience don't know the finer points of hockey. Could you tell them, for example, what is icing? Denis Lemieux: Well, um, icing happen when the puck come down, bang you know, before the other guys you know. Nobody there, you know. My arm go comme ça then the game stop then start up." Here's the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XbL7lG0Su8

    1. Glad you spotted this - it was a good bet that no-one else would! The clip is great!

  2. "I think that went well..." :-)


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