Sunday, January 27, 2019

Day 12.017: Exile #2's Sunday Column #235

Exile #2 writes...

As Exile #1 mentioned, we went to the Roller Derby yesterday. We arrived a little early, which was good because it gave us time to read the helpful crib sheet in the programme, explaining how it all worked. It did feel a bit like trying to understand the rules of Quidditch, but by the time the teams were ready to start, we knew our jammers from our blockers. The skaters’ names lived up to expectations, with Velocity Raptor, CupQuake, and SlayoncĂ© amongst our favorites in this face off between the RIP Tides and the Calamity Janes. Even the coaches and match officials got in on the punning action - looking at you Meow’n Em Down and Cary Zawhistle.

Exile #3’s dance company came out at half-time to perform a couple of their latest pieces, including their suitably fierce Modern/African Jazz-style number. They did brilliantly, Exile #3 even managing to keep her composure when the sticky surface of the rink caused her to lose a shoe. She came and joined the rest of us in the second half to watch the exciting conclusion. We’ve often joked that this might be Exile #4’s ideal sport, involving as it does, rugby-style maneuvers on roller skates. Seeing it live did nothing to dissuade us. In fact, we even spent some time deciding what her roller derby name should be. At the moment, we’re going with a nickname that she had for a while at school because of her accent, but which would take on a whole new meaning in this context: Crumpets!

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