Monday, February 18, 2019

Day 12.039: Older and wiser?

Exile #3 and Exile #4 both had all four of their wisdom teeth removed today. All went well - here is Exile #3 looking a bit swollen and making use of an ice-pack sock-thing:

Due to the no recording policy that was presented to us at check-in and posted prominently around the recovery room, I am unable to bring you footage of the ramblings of the girls as they came round from their anaesthesia. Both went through a teary phase - Exile #3's was definitely more dramatic, then both started to find things amusing. They both wondered how they had arrived in the recovery room and discussed the numbness of  their mouths of course but also made the following observations:

Exile #4
Why do the curtains have stripes like that? [repeatedly - she was seriously put out by the curtain design] and why are some of the feathers yellow and some white? [the curtains had a leaf pattern]

Exile #3
[in response to Exile #2 observing that it was like having two teenagers on a bad trip] She doesn't mean like in a car [giggling uncontrollably] - she means a different kind!

Exile #3 continued to be very funny - telling the nurse that I won't let her drive on the highway and that salt-water rinses were OK, because at least salt-water is better than apple cider vinegar, all while giggling like it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard.

They are experiencing some pain, but they are coping pretty well and they have the rest of the week to get over the worst before having to go to school or any other activities.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a lively time in the recovery room was had by all. Wisdom teeth are baffling - probably best gone. I hope Exiles #3 and #4 find their pain and swelling eases soon. Dx


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