I first wrote about Pandemic Legacy back on
Day 11.238. It had arrived as one of
Exile #4's 14th birthday presents and we had opened it on our White Mountains vacation later that summer. The game plays out over twelve months with a story that develops month by month. In each month, you play one or two games - each month either you win, lose then win or lose twice. Some of the decisions you make and your successes and failures carry over into the next game.
When the Christmas break started. we realized that we had not played since April and decided to get our momentum back. Each game takes around an hour and we played every day of the break blasting through a large part of the story with its twists and turns and loving it.
When break finished we had the last few game months to play, but we maintained our momentum and played at the weekends, finishing the whole game on Saturday.
Overall, we felt pretty good about our performance, most months we won in the second game, three or four times we won the first one and I think twice we failed twice. The game is for up to four players, but the five of us played through each game (approx 20), with
E5N1 teaming up with
Exile #2 for most of them. The game is cooperative - played as a team against the unfolding crisis, so it works well with extra players teaming up to help the four game characters do their thing.
I'm happy to say that thanks to a generous Christmas gift from my uncle, we have Season Two ready to go - we played a quick practice game last Sunday and I have a feeling we'll be starting our new journey soon.