Friday, May 22, 2020

Day 13.133: Birds at East Point Sanctuary

It was a good day for bird sightings, and a middling day for bird photography. There were lots of common eiders - mostly pairs - either flying or swimming:

Other birds caught as they flew by were a double-crested cormorant, an American oystercatcher and a common tern:

Spotted perching were a barn swallow, a gray catbird - showing a nice glimpse of chestnut and a song sparrow that was drawing a lot of attention with - you guessed it - a song:

I also saw a common yellowthroat, but he was camera shy. Last but not least (by size anyway), this "bird" seen through the heat haze:


  1. You will not be surprised to hear that I am always pleased to see your bird pictures. Common Eiders which we saw again in Iceland last year are very special.

    1. Not surprised at all - but pleased that you are pleased! There are more to come from our Monday morning outing.


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