Exile #2 writes...
We still have much to discover in the many generous gifts we received for Christmas but we have been particularly enjoying playing a game that E5N1 received from a friend, called That Escalated Quickly. At the beginning of each round, players are dealt a number from 1 to 10 and the person whose round it is reads out a statement, for example: I am performing in the school talent show. What is my act? On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is the act least likely to get me expelled and 10 is the act most likely to get me expelled. Each player then has to invent an answer appropriate to their number. The person whose round it is then has to attempt to place the statements in the correct numerical order.
It is very silly, very fun, not too demanding - although it requires you to concentrate enough to make sure you have the scale the right way round in your head. Detail and imagination is definitely a plus and, in our case, we definitely discovered we had some wild differences in what we considered to be the worst and best in a situation! All in all, two thumbs up from us.
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