Exile #2 writes...
For all the talk of a terrible and early winter, right now we are having a late summer. Living, as we do, in the Vitamin D deprived north, we are soaking up as much sunshine as we can. While
Exile #3 tested out her newly found running legs with
Exile #1 yesterday, I took
Exile #4 and
E5N1 to the beach (well, sandcastle building can be strenuous too...). The ocean temperature is freezing, as ever and still does not deter
Exile #4, who stayed in the water until she could no longer feel her limbs, only coming out to check the meaning of the word hypothermia.
Today, we were out again with
Exile #4's karate school, to take part in an anti-bullying walk. It had its surreal moments: a frankly terrifying tiger mascot walking around which, we later discovered contained a cute teenage girl plus a bevy of tiara-and-sash-wearing pageant winners. However, we were impressed by the organizers and by the state representative, who managed to work the crowd in a winning way.
On arriving at the end of the walk, the kids were all pleased to come by badges (buttons if you are in the US) which, while not directly demonstrating their support for the cause (2 Doctor Who, 1 Portal), could be seen to be nailing their colors to the mast...
It was a tiring but fun way to spend our weekend. Tomorrow morning could be challenging!