Sunday, March 11, 2018

Day 11.060: Exile #2's Sunday Column #195

Exile #2 writes...

Happy Mother’s Day to our mums and all those celebrating today in the UK. It is not Mothering Sunday here in the US but Exile #1 did kindly make dinner and wrangle E5N1 for much of the afternoon, so it did feel a bit like it.

It has been an eventful week on the household front. You may or may not remember the smoking microwave of a few months ago. Well, this week we had the sequel. Our oven, which has been looking a little shabby for a while now, unilaterally decided to put itself into self-clean mode on Friday night. Without warning, it locked the door and heated up to 500 °F. This would be troubling at the best of times but it was especially so because it had a chicken and sundry veggies held hostage inside. Funnily enough, it had happened before but last time we naturally assumed I had accidentally pressed the self-clean button (I was sure I hadn’t). This time, however, I was in the other room when it happened. Goodness me. Could it be in league with Alexa? We did eventually manage to extract and eat our dinner, some of which was not too charred, then we headed to Home Depot to buy a new oven.

On the plus side, I have rescued our grubby, threadbare armchair with some new fabric. It’s not a perfect job - I wouldn’t examine it too closely - but it looks a whole lot better.

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