Friday, December 4, 2020

Day 13.329: gr8 phishing?

From the PSA files:

This morning as I was leaving for work I received this text message:

I'm embarrassed by how close I came to clicking the link.

There's no way I would have been fooled by a scam email of this low quality, but texts are different - you expect them to have unknown senders, terse language and shortened links.

I suspect it would have been harder to fool into handing over any information, but who knows.

Take care out there!


  1. Every 2 weeks or so at work, we get an obvious but simulated phishing email with links and everything & we're supposed to click the Phish Alert button to show we're paying attention. We're rewarded with a Congratulations dialog box that says "our company is safer because of you - Good Job!" I always read Good Job out loud in DT's accent (the one nobody understands) for fun. (YMMV)

    1. Positive feedback is a good idea. My workplace's similar fake-attack system offers no such reward - only a shaming page if you are taken in (so I've heard!)


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