Saturday, May 28, 2022

Day 15.138: Birds at Timber Point

After we got back from Timber Point yesterday, I was feeling a bit off, so I did a COVID rapid test and it had the faintest of "T" lines. I hoped it was a false positive, but acted as if it was real by wearing N95 in the main part of the house, and moving into the basement. After a rather feverish night, I retested this morning and had a nice strong T line, so COVID-19 it is. Hopefully our quick actions give everyone else a chance of avoiding it.

Anyway, here are the birds we saw yesterday at Timber Point:

Barn swallow on a transmission line

Red-tailed hawk in flight

Tree-swallow in flight

Gray catbird perching

Two male common eider swimming in an inlet

A pair of cedar waxwings in a tree - possibly courtship behavior

Yellow warbler at the top of a tree with new leaf growth

Cedar waxwing perching in profile


  1. Well I like the pictures but not the Covid news. Hope it is shortlived and mild and that you succeed in keeping it to yourself

  2. That seems especially rough timing. I hope your symptoms don't get any worse and won't last long.


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