Sunday, October 23, 2022

Day 15.286: Exile #2's Sunday Column #413

Exile #2 writes...

Before we left to take Exile #4 back to college yesterday, we had to make a quick adjustment to our patio doors. It was made necessary but the efforts of one particular grey squirrel who started repeatedly hurling itself against them. We were a little concerned at first. Could it be rabid? Has it realized where the birdseed comes from? But then we realized it was most likely attacking its own reflection. It showed quite a lot of commitment to the cause, even leaving behind a faint cartoon style squirrel outline with one of its attacks, but it did seem confused when it noticed us all standing on the other side of the window staring at it.

We thought we’d better do something to help dispel the illusion. So we applied some masking tape outside and although the squirrel did come to investigate today, it seemed less inclined to run at top speed towards the window. I guess we’ll leave the tape for a while, until we’re sure the urge has passed.


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