Sunday, June 2, 2024

Day 17.143: Exile #2's Sunday Column #481

Exile #2 writes...

E5N1 is finishing the school year with a flurry of activity. On Friday evening, he and some friends went to get ice cream and enjoy some goat yoga. Yes, yoga with added goats. E5N1 took a particular shine to Hawks and Wilder (prize points if you can guess who they were named after), a pair of kids who came to snuggle up with him and claim a few head scratches. They didnt stand on him (or worse!) while he was lying down, much to his relief. But one of them did, however, have a quick nibble on his hair.

After that, it was off to their regular “drama kids” restaurant, which seems to manage to seat them in whatever enormous numbers they arrive in. All in all, much fun was had.

Tomorrow evening is another event, and one that requires a costume. But more about that another day, I’m sure!

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