Sunday, June 9, 2024

Day 17.150: Exile #2's Sunday Column #482

Exile #2 writes...

We are a household with quite a few board games. Some are quick and can be played in minutes, others are elaborate and take hours. There are abstract ones and ones with a narrative. Some have simple visuals and some have beautiful artwork. The other day, however, Exile #4 spotted Life Siphon and asked for a quick reminder about the game. I looked at the box and completely drew a blank. Things didn’t get much clearer when we opened it up but it gradually started coming back to me as we played.

After playing with just the two of us, we both agreed it would probably be more fun with additional players. So it was that Exile #1 stepped into the fray this evening for a game that lasted from the end of dinner almost until bedtime. Admittedly, our initial lack of strategy probably added to the length but it was truly an epic battle!

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