Sunday, September 1, 2024

Day 17.234: Timber point

This afternoon, Exile #2 and I went for a walk at Timber Point. We didn't see much on the trail.

Likely a young Cooper's hawk we think:

Tree swallow

Barn swallow

 Despite the modest showing to that point, we decided to cross the causeway to the island where there was a bit more action.

On the causeway

We watched this gull attempt to gain access to this snail by dropping it like they do with clams - with little success as far as we saw

Eastern phoebe

Double-crested cormorant

Northern mockingbird

Common eider

Eastern phoebe (coastal rocks edition)

When we returned to the beach near the parking, we saw (somewhat distant) what we suspect to be semipalmated plovers and semipalmated sandpipers, and a house finch that posed nicely for me.

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