Thursday, March 6, 2025

Day 18.055: Birds in the mist

After a wild windy and rainy night, we ventured out into the remaining snow in a surprisingly warm morning. The warmth and snow-pack resulted in a fine mist which turned into thick fog later in the day. It was also the first day in months that we've seen any open water on the river.

Misty cemetery

Distant goldeneyes

Common mergansers

Mallards in flight

Hooded mergansers

Bald eagle fly-by

It's been a while since we last saw an eagle perched in the "eagle tree" 

Eastern bluebird

Downy woodpecker

Brown creeper

The song sparrows were new arrivals this week

Downy woodpecker (action shot)

We made some other nature discoveries too. More on that to come.

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