Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Day 18.054: Odiorne Point pt. 2

Our second stop was at the location of the Seacoast Science Center, but as Exile #2 mentioned, we merely walked around the building and headed along the coast. Here is some of what we saw.

Surf scoters

View along the coast. For once, the snow may have made it easier for walking than the rocks would have been without it. 

Common eider

Common goldeneye

Goldeneye peekaboo 

Whaleback Lighthouse (far enough across the estuary to be in Maine)

As we returned to the car, an American crow

…and an American robin

But most excitingly, we also got a lovely view of a snow bunting - which hopped out from the rocks of the beach and into the snow right in front of us. 

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