Sunday, April 5, 2015

Day 8.085: Exile #2's Sunday Column #51

Exile #2 writes...

Happy Easter!

At last, the snow is retreating across the yard and the first crocuses are blooming around the neighborhood. Also emerging are our neighbors, who can be seen enjoying after-dinner walks in the evenings. The young Exiles have dusted off their bicycles and rollerblades and spent their day off school tearing up and down the street with their friends.

School is a little intense at the moment. Exile #3 and Exile #4 are in the middle of State-testing and their thoughts are turning to choices for next year, when they'll be in Middle School together. E5N1 is moving up to the 3-5 grade school. For that, we've had to complete a form describing him, which is supposed to help them place him in a suitable class. I'm hoping they won't be too fearful, having read my rather 'warts and all' assessment.

Talking of E5N1, he has a celebration coming up this week. I predict a week of baking...

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