Monday, November 9, 2015

Day 8.303: Sick creativity

There was never any question of Exile #3 going to school today after her fever yesterday, but in fact she was too sick to be there anyway. What was less easily predicted was that I would be home sick too.

I had hoped that I was being overly cautious on behalf of my colleagues and that I would get some work done at home, but - apart from answering a few emails  - I was not in sufficient health to concentrate on anything.

Exile #3 and I did manage a few minutes of fairly mindless creativity when we made these:

She made the house - "Look it has a  door and windows, no real walls though." and I made the vehicle - although the impressive looking front of the motorbike was in one piece in the box.

Confidence is not high that today will be better, but hopefully a good night's sleep will surprise us all with its healing power.


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