Saturday, April 9, 2016

Day 9.090: Party arcade

E5N1 has missed out on a few birthday parties recently - last year we managed a get-together with one of his friends, but to call it a party would be a bit of a stretch. The year before, his birthday was somewhat overshadowed by our house-move two days later. So, this year we were determined to make something happen.

It took us a while to come up with a good idea, but eventually we thought of the Portland Arcade - a small family-run retro video-gaming arcade. E5N1 and I went one evening to check it out and were the only ones there:

He decided it would work great for him and a group of his friends, and today was the day (with a bit of help from his sisters:

We had a great time (but we were quite relieved when we could say goodbye to the last of the guests and relax!)

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