Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Day 13.200: Birds seen at the beach...

...and what I think they might be.

During our walk on Saturday morning along the beach from Camp Ellis to Bayview, a few birds were quite accommodating - like this gull that boldly sat still while we walked around it. I don't normally attempt gull identification, but I'm pretty sure this is a herring gull:

As usual, I spent some time trying to catch terns in action with some success - like this one (there are two terns in this photo!):

and here are some more:

as for what kind of terns they are - I suspect at least two different kinds but I'm not sure beyond that.
Then there was this impressive line of distant ducks:

The best I did in terms of a close-up was this - still "duck" is about all I've got:

Then there were the group of high soaring birds that caught my eye even though I thought identification was unlikely:

I'm glad I tried because this photo makes me wonder if they could be frigatebirds - an unlikely but not impossible sighting so far north:


  1. Could well be Magnificent Frigatebirds. Seen in Galapagos!

    1. They were very high but looked interesting just by their size and shape when I spotted them. When I saw the long streamers - only clearly visible in this one zoomed-in photo - I was quite surprised.


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