Sunday, May 14, 2023

Day 16.124: Birding in Falmouth

Yesterday's adventure took three of us to Falmouth to visit first Mackworth Island State Park and then Maine Audubon's Gilsland Farm.

The gang on Mackworth Island

Here are some of our sightings at Mackworth:
LR from top: common tern, gray catbird enjoying some of last year's sumac, eastern phoebe, baltimore oriole (3rd day in a row), yellow warbler, some of the many eider, Nashville warbler, hard not to think of Stephen King, another shot of the oriole

And here are some from Gilsland:
LR from top: chipmunk, northern flicker, veery, song sparrow, common yellowthroat, black-and-white warbler, Swainson's thrush, eastern bluebird, white-throated sparrow

Perhaps our most surprising encounter (and definitely the most dramatic) was with a pair of turkeys, who approached us along the trail, with the male trying very hard to impress the female.


  1. Derek's life list is moving forward by leaps and bounds - looks amazing, quite jealous actually.

    1. We've been very lucky with both the weather and the spring migration!


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