Saturday, December 21, 2024

Day 17.346: More information needed

I think we've received the message "Confirm high count" almost every weekend when telling the Project FeederWatch app how many bluebirds we've had. You only count the maximum number that you see all at once and each time we get to seven it checks that we really mean we saw that number at once. 

Today was only the second time that the app has questioned the adding of a single bird - this time with the message, "More information needed". The first was when I reported a red-shouldered hawk last year (or maybe two years ago). Today, it was this fellow:

We often see turkey vultures circling over or near our count area (basically our backyard and the nearest part of the woods), but we never expected to see one perched at the edge of our lawn only about 12 or 15 feet off the ground. It was cool to get such a close-up view of these usually-distant birds.

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar situation this morning but it was because I had claimed 41 jays instead of 1 jay. Soon corrected.


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